Nose Reshaping (Rhinoplasty)
Rhinoplasty can be used to improve the way the nose looks in proportion with the other facial features, as well as to correct functional problems including breathing obstructions and traumatic injuries. The nose should be de-emphasized so that the other attractive facial features can be appreciated. We usually recommend that patients wait until they are at least age 16 before undergoing rhinoplasty. Some noses need to be lengthened, augmented, or narrowed for the best aesthetic result. Internal nasal derangements that cause nasal breathing difficulties can also corrected during surgery. We will carefully review all your options at the time of your consultation and plan the perfect procedure for you.
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The Best Candidates for Nasal Reshaping
Rhinoplasty can enhance your appearance and your self-confidence. Before you decide to have surgery, think carefully about your expectations and discuss them with Dr. Strasberger.
All Surgery Carries Some Uncertainty and Risk
When rhinoplasty is performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon, complications are infrequent and usually minor. Nevertheless, there is always a possibility of complications. You can reduce your risks by closely following your surgeon’s instructions both before and after surgery.
Planning Your Surgery
Dr. Strasberger will explain the factors that can influence the procedure and the results. Be sure to tell Dr. Strasberger if you’ve had any previous nose surgery or an injury to your nose, even if it was many years ago. You should also inform your surgeon if you have any allergies or breathing difficulties; if you’re taking any medications, vitamins, or recreational drugs; and if you smoke.
Preparing for Your Surgery
While you’re making preparations, be sure to arrange for someone to drive you home after your surgery and to help you out for a few days if needed. Where your surgery will be performed. Rhinoplasty will be performed in a surgeon’s office-based outpatient surgical facility. An Anesthesiologist may be present to monitor you throughout surgery with all the state-of-the-art equipment necessary for your procedure.
Types of Anesthesia
Rhinoplasty can be performed under local or general anesthesia, depending on the extent of the procedure and on what you and your surgeon prefer. With local anesthesia, you’ll usually be lightly sedated, and your nose and the surrounding area will be numbed; you’ll be awake during the surgery, but relaxed and insensitive to pain. With general anesthesia, you’ll sleep through the operation.
After Your Surgery
After surgery-particularly during the first twenty-four hours-your face will feel puffy, your nose may ache, and you may have a dull headache. You can control any discomfort with the pain medication prescribed by Dr. Strasberger. Plan on staying in bed with your head elevated (except for going to the bathroom) for the first day. You’ll notice that the swelling will reach a peak after two or three days. Applying cold compresses will reduce this swelling and make you feel a bit better. Most of the swelling and bruising should disappear within two weeks or so. By the end of one or, occasionally, two weeks, all dressings, splints, and stitches should be removed.
Getting Back to Normal
Most patients are up and about within two days, and able to return to school or sedentary work a week or so following surgery. Avoid strenuous activity (jogging, swimming, bending, sexual relations-any activity that increases your blood pressure) for two to three weeks. Avoid hitting or rubbing your nose, or getting it sunburned, for eight weeks. Be gentle when washing your face and hair or using cosmetics. You can wear contact lenses as soon as you feel like it, but glasses will have to be taped to your forehead or propped on your cheeks for another six to seven weeks, until your nose is completely healed. Your surgeon will schedule frequent follow-up visits in the months after surgery, to check on the progress of your healing.
Your New Look
Day by day, your nose will look better and your spirits will improve. Within a week or two, you’ll no longer look as if you’ve had surgery. In the meantime, you might experience some unexpected reactions from family and friends. Many patients report feeling renewed and having a “new lease on life.” Deemphasizing your nose can make the rest of your features stand out and allow your true beauty to fully shine.
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